Monday, October 28, 2013

Day 21: Apollo 18

Apollo 18 (2011)

Apollo 18 on Netflix Streaming

Found footage, '70s style.  Points for holding it the entire time.  Points for looking accurate enough to the equipment of the time that either they were very inventive, or very well funded.

I never wanted to be an astronaut.  Never.  Good on those boys (and girls) who laughed in the face of gravity and air, and took to the moon like it was another golf course.  You can have it.  I find the inner depths of the mind, unfettered by physics, more tempting.

And while I'll be perfectly honest and say this film bored me... a lot... it isn't badly made.  It's solid.  It's a legitimate slow burn and not cheesy, but after a certain point, I just did not care any more.  Give me the end.  Let me move on.

Besides, if the moon is infested with life that is arachnid in nature--  I'm definitely never leaving this planet.  The space lobsters can have it.

Would I watch it again? No.
Would I own it? No.

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