Jack's Back (1988)
Jack's Back on Netflix
This. This is the 1980s. Holy crap. Are you listening, Ti West? I'm (not) sorry to keep pooping on your parade, but I'm still bothered by the inaccuracies, however small, that 'House of the Devil' had, re-creating that decade.
This is also not much of a horror story. It's more of a crime procedural before the days of CSI. No splatterpunk here, not by a longshot. Netflix has it in their horror section. Regardless, the concept is horror enough so I'm posting this to the blog anyway. Because like some other gorehounds out there, some of my appreciation of the genre is in the forensics of it, the science of it, and science isn't always a gory mess. Sometimes it's about the cops solving a crime, with or without The Who screaming into a microphone.
For me, this'll be another short commentary as I'm not striving so much as to write reviews-- especially here, as it's 25 years old, there's been plenty already-- but I will say this: a modern Jack the Ripper makes for a good story when you start wondering how many mops it takes to get all that fake blood off the set.
Would I watch it again? No.
Would I own it? No.
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